I'm genuinely excited to introduce Indiana's new Bachelor of Science degree: Molecular Life Sciences.
Our world is rapidly changing. Powerful advances in technologies such as whole genome and RNA sequencing, stem cell research, electron microscopy and drug development provide extraordinary insights into how living systems function. I want our new degree to be contemporary and foundational, teaching our students the molecular basis for cellular physiology. Our students will take preparatory classes across the spectrum of traditional fields such as biochemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology. They will then be immersed in advanced topics such as DNA replication and repair, regulatory circuits, signal transduction and developmental biology. We intend that our graduates will emerge with a synthetic, molecular understanding of life.
Students pursuing the Molecular Life Sciences degree may choose to specialize their training along one of two tracks to suit their interests and career goals. On one track, they will pursue a molecular and structural-based curriculum, while on the second they will focus on building a cellular and developmental perspective on life sciences. Either track will provide a strong foundation for individuals who plan to pursue careers across the spectrum of fields in the life sciences. These include medicine, research in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacology, and diverse graduate training opportunities.
I hope to meet you in Bloomington! I'm always available to answer your questions by phone, e-mail or in person when you visit our campus.