Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I complete a dual major with MLS?
Of course! A substantial number of our students elect to complete a dual major, bringing in other majors such as Chemistry, Linguistics, Biotechnology and many others. Some students elect to complete multiple minors to enhance their portfolio. If you’re interested, please discuss this with an advisor or the program director. Starting to plan early is always helpful.
- Should I leverage my AP (advanced placement) or other college equivalency credits toward the degree?
Definitely. Virtually all MLS prospective students have substantial college credit entering IU, and many have an academic year or more of credit. This affords students great flexibility to complete dual majors, multiple minors, participate in programs such as the LAMP (Liberal Arts Management Program), or simply explore diverse course topics that prepare them for their intended degree.
- Are there courses that you would recommend I take prior to matriculating?
Yes! But the answer may depend upon your career goals. First, Indiana requires three semesters of a foreign language. Completing that requirement prior to enrolling eliminates nine required credits from your degree map. Courses such as AP calculus, statistics, physics, or biology can lighten the required science load. A wide array of courses that count toward general studies requirements may also be completed, including US history, English, and public speaking will remove requirements for graduation and make your course planning more flexible. Some students even graduate in fewer than four years. The caveat is for students pursuing careers such as medicine where earning high grades on campus may be viewed as valuable. Specific courses, such as introductory chemistry, might be better taken or repeated on campus to prepare you for subsequent chemistry coursework.
- Can I study abroad?
Yes. Starting to plan early is valuable, but we can identify courses abroad that satisfy our curriculum and afford you with an enriching academic experience in faraway places.
- What fields do your majors enter after graduation?
Many of our students pursue graduate studies in diverse fields across the life sciences spectrum, while others enter medical and other professional schools (physician’s assistant, dental schools, and others). We have a track record of attracting excellent students and their success rate for entering their chosen field is high.
- What if I want to learn more about MLS?
You may always communicate with the program director to have your questions answered about the program. Our outstanding suite of academic advisors can help you plan a degree map that fits your interests and leverages your previous college credit. The academic bulletin is available online, which will identify the specific course requirements for our programmatic tracks.