You will have access to unique research experiences on the IUB campus. There is no substitute for time spent in a faculty-directed research lab, so our MLS students are highly encouraged to actively pursue their own research as undergraduates.
There are numerous research opportunities you can pursue while completing the Molecular Life Science degree. If you plan to go to graduate school to obtain an advanced M.S. or Ph.D. degree in the life sciences; want to work at the bench in pharmaceutical or other biotechnology companies; or intend to graduate with an honors distinction, you are highly encouraged to engage in a research experience.
Nearly all science graduates that go on to pursue an advanced Ph.D. in the life science have undertaken one of more years of undergraduate research experience in an individual faculty member's laboratory. If you plan to pursue this career track, it’s imperative that you join a laboratory early in your studies at IU so you can obtain the necessary practical laboratory experience to be competitive for admission to graduate programs.
If you are interested in undertaking laboratory research, you should contact a faculty member associated with the MLS degree. Note that space in laboratories is limited so you will likely have to contact several faculty members before you find one that can provide undergraduate research experience.