Protein Metabolism

MLS-M 410 — Fall 2018

Susanne Ressl
Simon Hall S001
Days and Times
2:30P-3:45P TR
Course Description

The eukaryotic cell will serve us as a roadmap for this course. We will discuss four selected organelles/locations in the cell and explore the structure and function of crucial proteins that are responsible for the fundamental physiological processes at those cellular locations. The last section of this course will address protein function in health and disease. All together we will discuss five - major topic sections - that will be based on text book or review articles, followed by selected primary research literature, highlighting the structure and function of one or more proteins.

This course will combine lectures with reading, presenting and discussing primary literature in addition to analyzing and understanding protein structures. By the end of this course you will be able to read primary research literature critically, understand and know how to analyze protein structures in their context of function, and answer questions such as: "Where and how does antibiotics inhibit ribosome function?" on a molecular level.

Review the syllabus